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I recently went tubing..and trusted the wet cases they give you to put my phone in! Well my phone ended up soaking wet and unable to turn on ! I already have another phone now..but I really am sick to my stomach that I never backed up my 2000 pictures or contacts on the ruined phone!!!!!! That’s all I’m worried about ! How can I get them back? !?!?!? Mainly the pics..the contacts are not as important to me. I already immediately took phone apart and dried with towel..then put in’s been 3 days and it still won’t turn on. I also put SD card in the new phone ( SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 ) but nothing! This new phone was my moms..all I see is her pics and contacts even after putting my SD card in. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME GET MY PICTURES BACK !?

ashley, skip the rice. It will not prevent corrosion nor will it fix the phone, it is a misleading myth. The very first thing you want to do is to not try to restart the phone. This may further damage your phone. You also do not want to try to charge it any further. The next thing to do is to clean it. Disassemble your phone using these guides. Once it is disassembled, you do need to clean it properly. You will need high grade isopropyl alcohol and a soft brush. Use this guide to see how to clean it. Even so it was written for an Apple iPhone 3G all the points are still pertinent to your phone. Do not forget to remove the EMI shields for proper cleaning. While you are cleaning it, check for any broken, missing or burned looking components. When it is properly cleaned, replace the battery. All these steps are to avoid delayed failure caused by corrosion. Once all this is done, reassemble your phone and reevaluate. Water damage is the toughest to repair since you do not really know which part has shorted out. There really is no easy way to get this fixed. Worst case scenario you could try a recovery company ($$$$)could access the memory IC’s on the board, but that is not on a DIY level. You will also get lots of answer about recovery software. NONE OFF THOSE WILL WORK IN YOUR CASE.

Have you checked your google + account .. to see if your pictures have been backed up? Ray

Agree with oldturkey03, data recovery software only works when your SD Card is detectable.

I dropped it n the toilet can’t get pictures

Don’t stress all you have to do is take out the SIM card and start shaking it a little so the water comes off. But before you put it back in make sure your phone is the driest as possible (no blow dryer) DONT TRUST ANY “WATER PROOF” CASES ;))) -Emily Madrigal