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we have not had the tv on in 4 months as it is a summer home but there has been some severe storms but when we went to turn it on the red light is on but the set will not turn on..either by remote or by power button…we have unplugged it and we even plugged in in to the wall and off the power strip still nothing,,,could this have been fried by a power surge? It is a 55 inch set

Our LG Magic Remote had been dropped and the red light was permanently on. The left arrow button on the remote had imperceptibly stuck down.

Using a flat screwdriver I gently prized the remote control apart. With it partly disassembled I was able to check functionality was okay, blow out any debris and operate all the keys.

After reassembling it, the remote control seems to be working perfectly okay and is back to normal.

I had the same problem, my LG magic remote won’t function properly and once the batteries are placed on the remote, the POWER button would flash 3 times, then if you press any other random button, the POWER button would remain lit (red) indefinitely and will only switch off when a button is pressed but go back to being on afterwards. We browsed the net for solutions from those who had the same problem and tried a lot of things like the pairing by pressing the HOME and RETURN button simultaneously for 5 seconds but it didn’t work. Then I tried the pressing of each button for 3 seconds while the battery is removed, and nothing happened. So we kinda gave up and figured we would let it rest without the batteries for a few hours, and just watch on the tv using the remote app downloaded in my phone. After a few hours of detaching the batteries from the remote, we assembled it again and surprisingly it worked. I am not entirely sure if the resting period or the other stuff we did to the remote was the fixing factor.

I fixed a similar (potentially the same) problem after much Googling and frustration. See if this helps. Looking very closely at the buttons on the remote control, one button had become very slightly depressed (hardly noticeable to the naked eye), just through a bit of friction / pressure. This means the button was permanently activated, meaning no other buttons would work. As soon as I flicked the depressed button, it popped up to its normal height (<1mm difference) and, voila! Problem solved. If you can’t immediately see a button that’s slightly depressed you could try flicking each and every button on the remote control. Good luck!

I have not been able to find a sure fix, Hold home and back button for up 10 seconds this unpairs the remote, then click the button under the number nine it will then ask you to click the track ball to register remote. May have to do a couple a times. Hope this helps. I spoke to a service technician recently, he tought it may be the computer board? If it doesn’t work continue the process.