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My iPod Classic 120GB corrupted it’s file system after syncing it with iTunes. It turns into 0 kb free. I want to know your opinions based on my research and troubleshoots that I’ve done if you think it’s the hard drive who has the problem. MY IPOD CLASSIC: It can still be connected to the computer and says “Connected”.No sad face on start up (usually shows up when you have bad hard drive or corrupt software.)Boots ok but 0KB free.It has RAW file system now (corrupt).iTunes doesn’t recognize the iPod, so no “Restore” option is appearing.It doesn’t save my settings every restart (e.g Language)When connected to Windows it says “You need to format before using…” and ends up with “Windows could not complete the format.” after pressing “Format”.I can start games but shuts down when I’m going to enter my name.I can still go to Disk Mode.It doesn’t hang, still scrollable and selectable. TROUBLESHOOTING I’VE DONE Downloaded and used third party tools like “HP USB Disk Partitioner” “Fat32 GUI Format” -> HP USB DISK PARTITIONER Result: “The media is write-protected” -> Fat32 GUI Format Result: “Data Error: Cyclic rebundancy check” (signs of hdd problems) -> CHKDSK Result: “Chkdsk cannot access RAW file system format.” I can still hear the HDD spinning.Recharged it, battery is okay.Changed USB cable, cable is okay.Did the following formatting on Disk Mode, still same result. I’m starting to think that my iPod’s HDD is the main problem but, anyone got any troubleshooting ideas, repair suggestions, tools or softwares to check if it’s really the HDD? or opinions based on these symptoms? Thank you so much.

Reset your iPod - Press Menu and Center Button for about 10 secs till the Apple logo comes ON then release the buttons. Select you language.Connect your iPod to a high power USB 2.0 Port and not to any USB hub. (if you using a Mac, not on the Keyboard USB port)If iTunes opens, restore the iPod