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A few days ago, my iMac was being slow and freezing and the beach ball kept popping up, So I searched YouTube on how to make it faster and the video said to go into the disk utility folder in applications and click on “verify disk” then “repair disk”, But, when i did that, it said that I had to restart the computer and press on “command + R” at the same time which I did. Then I went back to Disk Utility and clicked on verify disk and repair disk, but it said that the computer could not be repaired and that I should delete everything on it and reinstall OS-X! So then just restarted the computer so I can use it, but it shut down half way through the loading screen and every time I start it up, it repeatedly shuts down half way through the loading screen. Is there a fix for this? if so, how?

Your hard drive has failed or your OS is corrupted. At this point do not run disk utility’s repair disk until you verify the health of the drive. Try resetting the SMC and PRAM to see if your computer will boot. If you can get the computer to boot run Smart Utility to check the health of the drive. If the health is bad replace the drive. If it’s good you need to boot the computer in recovery mode (command + R) to reinstall your operating system. Just a heads up if you can’t get it to boot you may need to remove the hard drive and test it with an external 3.5" HD case either via USB or FireWire with another computer to verify the health. iMac Intel 21.5" EMC 2389 Hard Drive Replacement