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Mouse pointer is stuck in top right corner of the window. I have also connected another mouse using USB but still it’s not working. Please help me out. My windows version is 7 64 bit. Please help me out. Thanks.

Hi, I had a similar problem on a Lenovo Thinkpad (not the same model) and it turned out that the touchpad was intermittently shorting out to the motherboard underneath it, presumably due to downward pressure when being touched. Sometimes the mouse would stay locked in the corner of the screen for hours and then touching the touchpad again would restore it, only for it to fail again maybe a few days later. The way I overcame the problem was to open the laptop and insert an appropriately sized piece of thin insulating material (big as the trackpad) between the trackpad and the motherboard. I cut the piece out from an old plastic anti static bag that I had kept which was used to protect a GPU card in its packaging. Here’s the hardware maintenance manual for your laptop. This will help you to open the laptop and insert the insulating material. Ensure that you disconnect both of the batteries (external and internal) as soon as they are accessible (see manual about disabling internal battery on p.60 and then still disconnect it) so as to not cause any electrical problems when working inside the laptop. There is power at various places on the motherboard even when the laptop is turned off. The power button is not a power isolating switch. Its function is to signal the intentions of the user to the BIOS. Also reconnect the battery as late as possible when reassembling the laptop.

I also think that the problem is with the touchpad. Had similar problem with another laptop and for some reason the mouse was going up when nothing was being toched. So probably your touchpad is sending movement signal to the board. In my case, what I did was to deactivate the touchpad, so the signals coming from it are ignored, and use a normal mouse. You can deactivate it in several ways, using windows settings or frequently with a direct function in one of the function keys. This video can help: