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I accidentally took my phone into the ocean while on vacation, and now the device won’t power on. I’m pretty much resigned to having to buy a new device, but there were some photos and videos I took while out of coverage area and I really want to get them back. Is there any way to read the memory onto a working computer for recovery? I didn’t get the accidental warranty so I don’t think this would be covered, but I really want those photos :( Thanks!

Jared Harder sorry to say but you can not access anything on the phone unless it powers up. No recovery software will work for that (You’ll get lots of answers with those suggestions). The only way would be to fix your phone to the point where it may power up long enough to remove your images. Use this teardown to give you an idea on how to open your phone. The use this as a how to guide fior the cleaning. It was written for an iPhone but all the points are still pertinent to your phone as well. Remove all the EMI shields on your board to clean it properly. After that replace the battery. Hopefully you get it to turn on, download your images and then see what you get. Otherwise your files will be lost for sure.