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So my Macbook was running fine until I had the idea to replace the keyboard which was a job in it’s self, now it won’t boot but turn on kinda. Since replacing the keyboard the system turns on with the power button; the front led indicator turns on and the dvd drive makes a sound to check and spoole up the dvd in the drive. I’ve tried taking out all the ram and the front led turns on while the tone beeps indicating no ram as it seems boot loops abd turn the led indicator on and off, so I don’t think the logic board is dead as it can detect the ram and give me the error beep. If I leave the device, it just sits there with the fans on low and the led indicator on while the dvd drive spooles up. Nothing actual happens, I don’t even get the bong chime and I’m not able to select caps lock on the keyboard. The device will show the battery indicator on the side to show me how much battery is left when the AC adapter is attached and the charger cable it’s self will also go from green to orange to indicate charging. I’m really stumped as I’ve tried everything from starting the pc and then unplugging the keyboard to removing the display connector to see if that was causing the issue, I even stripped the laptop down to re re apply thermal paste and screw down the heatsink a bit lighter this time around. If you guys have any help or advice however small, it would be much appreciated.

So there is no display image correct? If thats the case try plugging in an external display to see if there is at least an image. If that works try using a flashlight shining into the Apple Logo on the lid you should see a faint image of your desktop & its icon’s. Let us know what you discover Update (10/06/2018) Sadly, your logic board is gone. There really isn’t anything you can do to fix this other than replacing it. Here’s the IFIXIT guide: MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Early 2011 Logic Board Replacement If you can find the Mid 2012 board it would be smarter going with it.