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Heat Problem! In MacBook Pro Purchased 2 heatsinks to use as replacements. The replacement heatsink pads are out of alignment with each other by 1-2 degrees with each other. Which means the paste is going to be squeezed out unevenly (Poor heat transfer). Questions. Are the CPU & GPU mounted in the same exact plane? Can the pads be milled to realign them? Are the copper pads solid copper or plated? Does the heatsink/Logic board flex enough to compensate for this error?

The elevation of the heat sink blocks are slightly different as the CPU and the GPU dies are not the same height from the logic board surface. If you where to place the heat sink on a gage block you will need two or three pieces of paper under the GPU block to even it out. Is that what you are referring to? As for the blocks you don’t want to alter them! The function of thermal paste is to fill the microscopic imperfections with a material so that it’s able to mate the two surfaces to allow more efficient transfer of heat. The thinner the coating the better! The heatsink tube is flexible so if the heatsink is a little off with a twist the contact will be fine once the screws are properly mounted. My bigger concern is if the heatsink is viable! The heat transfer tube is filled with a liquid which can leak out! Before you install the replacement take a good micro scale to weigh them, the heaver unit is filled, the lighter one has lost its coolant. Now the bad news! This series has a known issue with the AMD Radeon HD GPU’s: 6750M or 6770M. Often times systems tend to overheat have an issue. I would install a good thermal monitoring app like TG Pro which should help in understanding if the GPU is on its last legs.