Chosen Solution

Hi, I opened the lid/display of my Mac & I saw white screen around the edges. Did everything according to Apple. SMC, VRAM…. I don’t have Apple warranty anymore. The problem appear when every time I close down my Mac display & when I open the lid I see the whiteness & flickering….Whiteness & flickering goes away after being opened for a couple of hours……So, I have figured out that if I keep my Mac’s lid open it is perfect, there’s no problem whatsoever with the Mac…No white nowhere nor the flickering……So, for 2 days I am keeping my Mac Display open & I will try to keep it open until I find a solution. I turn off the Mac, I put it to sleep..there’s no problem with the Mac at all. So, could be the problem & any solution? Thanks

Your displays T-CON board which is located just above the heatsink within the main case is over heating. I suspect your fans are not running properly and/or you have a lot of dust preventing the system to properly cool.

Do make sure you have not blocked to external vents (using your system on your bed as an example). I would recommend getting a good thermal monitoring app like TG Pro If cleaning the dust out and the system overtime is not running too hot. You will likely need to replace the display assembly to fully fix this.