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So I was working on my perfectly fine macbook pro when suddenly it froze. Nothing was working and the cursor wasn’t moving. I pressed the power button for 10 seconds but it refused to restart. So I closed the lid and opened it again and I was greeted by a black screen which eventually turned into a question mark folder and then it shut itself down. I tried to power it up again using the power button and it just won’t power up. No matter what I try. Magsafe shows it was yellow for charging initially since it was a little less than full and now it’s green but it still won’t power on. I even checked to see if the fan was working when I pressed the power button but it isn’t. Any help is appreciated. I had important work documents I was working on when it died. I had them saved though.

If you need to salvage your data you’ll need to try setting up your Mac in Target Disk Mode and then connect your system to a second Mac treating your Mac as if it’s an external drive How to Boot a Mac in Target Disk Mode or get an external case to hold your drive OWC - Envoy From the sound of it your drive is failing so you want to first safe what ou can before you try fixing it or you may need to replace it. Update (02/13/2019) OK, so lets move on, From what you are describing your logic board has failed.