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Hi Friends, I have a 2012 Macbook Air that i recently wiped and reinstalled Catalina but i cannot reset the NVRAM using the normal p+r+cmd+opton keys. I was able to do a SMC reset but whenever i hear the chime, none of the keyboard keys respond. Secondly, i attached a external keyboard and still was not able to get it to do a NVRAM reset. I have confirmed the usb ports work and the keyboard works once i’ve booted to the login screen. I am really confused as to why the keyboard would respond once at the login screen but not when i hear the Apple chime? Someone please tell me they’ve ran into this before? I did see that the touchpad may have an issue and may need to replace it but thought i’d ask here first. Thanks! Rob

The keyboard feeds into the trackpad where both signal sets are encoded by the UART chip on the trackpad and then sent onwards to the main logic board. So I think you need to replace the trackpad and you may also need to replace the battery and the trackpad cable as well! What can happen is as the battery ages it can swell up pressing on the cable and the trackpad as well damaging them. MacBook Air 13" Mid 2012 Trackpad Replacement