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The laptop got salsa spilled into it. Green liquidy salsa. The laptop got sauce spilled into the keyboard and heatsink area. The sauce is somewhat liquidy. As soon as the sauce entered the laptop it restarted then I turned it off and left it upside down to try to get the most out of, but I didn’t remove the battery, the laptop was just off. I had to go get the Pentalobe 5 screwdriver to open it, I ended up disconnecting the battery after about 30 minutes of it being off but the battery still plugged in. I started to take it apart and saw that the sauce was over all the place. It got into some ports, into the SSD port and the port that goes from the trackpad to the keyboard. I cleaned everything pretty good with 70% isopropyl alcohol and left it to fully evaporate for about an hour. Now that I put it back together it won’t turn on. It’s unlikely that I damaged it because I’m pretty tech savvy. I fix all my electronics myself, my laptop (another one), my phone, my desktop pc, took apart my original PS4 to replace the thermal paste, have built several desktop PCs (pretty basic but still), etc. So I knew what I was doing. I don’t know if the time in which I went to get the screwdriver to a store was enough to kill the laptop, it was off but the battery was still plugged in. I connected a charger to the laptop and it does turn orange. So it’s charging. Pressing/mashing the turn on key does nothing. I’m gonna try disconnecting the battery and plugging in the charger. EDIT: this did nothing. What else could it be? Thanks!

I think its time for a pro to help you, Its likely the salsa got under the chips and other parts which will need an ultrasonic cleaner hopefully that will do it.