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Hi All, Got myself in a bit of a pickle with what I thought should’ve been a piece of cake! Problem was the keyboard stopped working. Fine I thought, replace the keyboard. The keyboard layout was Japanese. Not so easy to get a Japanese keyboard but I thought I’d prefer a UK layout anyway. Problem was, the keyboard housing wouldn’t take a UK layout keyboard. OK, replace the keyboard and the housing, simple. Unfortunately not. I purchased a UK keyboard along with the housing and proceeded to reassemble the device only to find that the PCB that has the power, usb and headphone socket doesn’t fit in the housing!! Everything I’ve bought has been for a Macbook Air, A1370 EMC2471, mid 2011. The Macbook I have is a Macbook Air, A1370 EMC2471, mid 2011. Only difference I can see is that it’s Japanese but surely the only difference should be the keyboard and related housing. I’m now wondering if I’ve been sold the keyboard and housing from a different model but I’m not able to clarify if this is the case or not. I’ve added some pictures in the hope that someone can identify the parts. TIA!

Does sound and look like a slightly different model. I would suggest going back to the drawing board and replace the mac air keyboard with a us keyboard. Mac air a1370 keyboard Heres how to replace it