Chosen Solution

We changed battery for a customer, and it was successfull. Now customer came back 14 days later, and wifi not working.

It wasnt listing any wifi networks, i also checked the network menu, and tried to add a new one, but only stuff like PPoE/Bluetooth etc was there, there was no WIFI to be added.

Tried SMC + PRAM reset.

Also tried on another SSD with a new OS. On this, there isnt any wifi symbol in the top right, and under network - no wifi either.

Whats going on, what did we break during that battery installation :( ?

Check the WiFi antenna’s connector. You may have accidentally forgotten to reconnect it, or it may have gotten broken accidentally.

I also tried another wifi card + the board that the wifi is attached to. Those 2 things didnt work either.

Does someone have any ideas ? :/