Chosen Solution

Hi all, I’ve got a dead Mac Mini. I have confirmed the power supply is not the issue, outputting 12V via 7 pins which is as expected for this model. Something is wrong on the mainboard and I think I’ve identified the faulty component. Looks like an inductor? Plastic is melted on one side of it and it’s close to the power supply connection. Can someone please help me identify the component, I’ll need to source a replacement. Pics attached. It is the component labelled R10 1945. Thanks!

@vogelek23 wondering if you can assist? A couple of years ago you helped me identify a couple of components on a 2014 mac mini board. Thanks!

@Charles I’d get the datasheet from places like this and take that data from the electrical characteristics. Then take this data and check places like Digikey,com, or any other electronic warehouse and see if they can match the original Superworld SSL0705 inductor. Inductance L ( uH )0.105 ± 20% Test Freq. 0.25V/1M DCR (mOhm) 0.46 Irms (A) Max 31 Isat (A) Max 46 Schematics for a Mac Mini? Outstanding find.