Chosen Solution

hi everyone. my computers screen flashing and then goes black when it is overheated. because when i blow out my breathe several times from the back hole of my macbook,it goes normally for a few minutes and then same issue happens. do you know why it happens and whats the solution? if u help me i really appreciate. ( i cleaned the fan and applied a new thermal paste but still same) Update (04/23/2021) i had to make the image smaller because of the upload warning. i disconnet the display data cable as you said,both sides look clean and like a brand new.

Update (04/24/2021)

does it seem clear Dan? just for your information,this problem occurs after 30-45 minutes working and i changed its battery with a 3rd part product 3-4 years ago,but it was okey till the last month.battery looks in fine condition. thnx for your help again

This looks like a bad backlight. Open your system using this guide MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012 Display Assembly Replacement follow it to Step 3, then jump down to Step 19 & 20 take a clear picture like this one so we can see the cable contacts and the logic board connectors solder joints

Update (04/23/2021) izzet safak - Good! So we now know the issue is not within the logic board side connection of the LVDS cable. Now the other shoe… We have the same connection on the displays T-CON board. We will need to inspect it as well as the cable as it passes through the hollow hinge. You may only need to replace the cable. Follow the guide through as you’ll need to take off the black plastic clutch cover to gain access to the connector. Here’s the needed part MacBook Air 11" Hinge - Right/w LVDS Cable Make sure there is no corrosion on the T-CON board. If you do you’ll need a new display assembly then MacBook Air 11" Complete Display