Chosen Solution

Problem. MB Air suddenly says WIF: NO HARDWARE INSTALLED. Can’t turn it on in System Prefs. The hardware doesn’t show up in Sys Profile. OSX Mojave. Opened the computer and the cables seem solid. Bluetooth works fine though. They’re on the same card so if wifi was a hardware problem wouldn’t Bluetooth fail too? Hope to find easy solution before buying new card! Thanks. Update (08/17/2022) Sorry. Should’ve also said I tried resetting SMC and PRAM but nothing helped. I detached and reattached the Airport card cables just to make sure they’re connected, but it didn’t help. The problem appeared out of the blue. Wifi was working fine, now the Airport card isn’t recognized.

With so little to work off of I would say you likely need a new AirPort board MacBook Air (Mid 2013-2017) AirPort/Bluetooth Board If you told us which you had I could aim you to the guide.