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A coworker had reimaged this laptop (10.11) and when it came up it couldn’t connect with an ethernet cable or wifi. It also didn’t see flash drives plugged in to the USB. I thought to test it with another system and replaced the hard drive temporarily with a smaller one I installed 10.8.5 onto and everything seemed okay so I gave it back and he was losing connection on the network and wifi again. These are hooking to 5G Cisco and Ruckus routers in general use in my school district. Does anyone have a hint these standard wifi cards could overheat and take themselves and other components down?

A process of elimination can help you determine the cause behind an intermittent Internet connection affecting your Mac. This includes testing another computer, tablet or smartphone on the network to see if the issue affects all of your technology. If you experience connection issues across multiple devices, then your router, modem or Internet service provider may be the issue. If the issue occurs only with your Mac, then you might need to change some system settings and repair permissions. If multiple users are unable to connect to your Wi-Fi, there might be an issue with your hardware setup. First, check all cables to make sure that they’re plugged in tightly. Next, check the power light on both the router and modem to make sure they’re powered on. If the cables and power are good, unplug both the modem and router to power them down and then plug them back in to restart them. Wait a few minutes for the network to become available again and attempt to connect. If you’re using an Ethernet cable to connect your Mac to the Internet, use a new cable.

We mostly have phones and Windows laptops attached to the wifi around here and no one else expressed any problems; so I’m going to take my Macbook Pro over to check this out; it’s a 2012 model but it should tell me if the wifi is up and down or not!

I fixed the problem by swapping out the wifi card with one I have sitting around waiting for a battery to arrive. Thanks to all for the suggestions; I was mainly wanting feedback on whether it’s likely, as I read elsewhere, that a wifi card would fail on a 2011 Macbook Pro. We have this happen very infrequently with ASUS Chromebooks and Lenovo laptops but I’ve never had one fail on a Macbook Pro. It is getting pretty old I guess. Trombonebuck, I am the IT department; at least the only one working on MAC stuff! I did verify the wifi was working before I tried swapping the wifi card! Thanks to all for the suggestions!