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Hi, I have a frontload LG washer wm3360hvca. I’ve had it for about 7 years. Since purchased I’ve replaced the drain pump twice. That being said I now have a new problem. Yesterday the front door blasted open during the cycle and poured water absolutely everywhere. I cleaned it up and checked the door lock. It appears to be fine. The problem now is that during every spin cycle it leaks A LOT of water out of the white drain next to the water inlets. Anyone know why it would be doing that and how to fix it? I also ran a diagnostic test on the drain pump and it did great. I’m going to take the drain hose out and see if maybe it’s clogged and preventing the true flow of the pump. Any help would be great! Thank you!!

Please send some pictures

During spin cycle about .5-1 liter of water flows out. I ran it on low spin and it was minimal.

Sorry for the late reply, my suggestion is to pick up some silicone sealant (local hardware store should have this) and hopefully it should hold it over until I can dig deeper and find a solution to this.