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HI , So I have read a few of the similar problems people have had. So all of a sudden my laptop stopped recognising a mac charger (Macbook Pro 2011 Early /Late) (I have tried two chargers on another laptop whilst trouble shooting and they are fine) So therefore I deduced that it is the laptop I have recently replaced the battery with an Ifix it replacement so would assume this is up to scratch still. So I have now changed the Charging port but unfortunately to no avail! I am now thinking it could be the logic board but is someone able to help trouble shoot with me so I could make this potentially the last time I open the laptop before I call its time of death

Lets back up here… You stated you tried two other MagSafe chargers on a different system which implies the chargers are good. But, you failed to tell us what the MagSafe LED is doing on your broken system, is it lit and if so is it a bright Amber or Green? Did you try disconnecting the battery and then try plugging in the MagSafe charger to see if the systems fans kicked in when you pressed the power switch?